Software Activation Code Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb

2020. 2. 28. 16:28카테고리 없음

Can anyone help me, I'm going crazy here.When I start IGO8 all goes well until it comes to starting. Checked all those - all ok. Now I get Program cannot find application Database.Will be going away for the weekend during which I will fiddle with the Sys.txt file.Cheers BazzieThanks to NabiDefault How to solve error messagesIn this thread I intend to explain how to solve common errors installing iGO8.Application database not foundThe program database error message is exactly what it says. IGO8's program looks for its proprietary folder where it expects to find everything necessary to run and compile the program. But, in the case of this error doesn't.Most likely you are trying to run iGo off an SD card.

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I have no information about what you have done before and how. I presume your iGO8 program is on an SD card and that it is complete with assumption that the directory and physical structure are okay. And I also suppose you start iGO by shortcut (or other means) on your device.Possible errors you can check:1.

You must have a file called iGO.exe. If there is a file called application.dat, rename it into iGO.exe.2.

Next open the sys.txt file which in the iGO8 root directory (a simple text editor like Notepad will do). Probably you will see some lines like this.:foldersapp='%SDCARD%/iGO8'If these lines are not there, goto step 3.Change the second line so that it looks like this:;app='%SDCARD%/iGO8'Notice the. The ';' makes the line not used or computed (a rem statement in computer programming language). While the program is running, iGO8 checks the directory it's in. So this should work.3.

If it doesn't work (or the line doesn't exist), Then your sys.txt should contain the lines, make sure it does. (without the ';'!!!!! )Now it gets a bit complicated. But it's not my fault'%SDCARD%/iGO8' tells the program the path to the folder where your iGO8 is located or found. Using that line as an example, you must discover yourself what it should look like.

Therefore use an explorer program (best the one on your device - you should find the name of the SD card given by the device) and write down the path. Either write it down, copy the name into computer memory and get ready to enter the line in your sys.txt file.For example, this is how the lines for a Samsung Omnia would look:foldersapp='My Storage/Program Files/iGO8'Other examples:foldersapp='SDCarddsknum=3'foldersapp='SDCarddsknum=7'4. Finally one more comment.On some devices (do not ask me why or which devices - it's probably caused by the windows version or in what way windows is adapted by the manufacturer) iGO only starts when the '%' signs are no part of the app='%SDCARD%/iGO8' command line.

Example:foldersapp='SDCARD/iGO8'This is how ronp76, former mod, explains the very same thing:(Thank you Ron!)Presently I run only iGO8 off an SD card but will try to help. I assume that your in car DVD GPS has a menu based system that allows you to run various programs. I further assume that you it has a button to run TomTom.More than likely each of these software buttons are tied to a script file which looks like XXXX.mscr (mscr is the script file extension name and XXXX can be iGO8, TomTom, etc.). In order for the GPS to execute or run the script and associated software, it needs to know the exact name, drive and directory of each program. Unfortunately, these names can vary from one manufacturer to another.Your GPS hard drive (HD) can be called either MyFlash or ResidentFlash which are two of the more common names. The SD card can be called StorageCard, StorageCard or SDMMC. The only way to find out exactly what your GPS calls itself and the card is to download the file attached to this reply.Copy this file called CECommander (CECMD.exe) to your SD card and then run it from your car GPS.I also assume that you can run or execute files on the SD card.

When run, CECMD.exe is like Windows Explorer. It will tell you what the exact name of your what your system sees the GPS hard drive (HD) as and also the name of SD card. You need these exact names because that is what GPS will look for.For example, when I run CECMD.exe, I see:My Documents (folder)Network (network folder)Program Files (folder)ResidentFlash (hard drive symbol)SDMMC (hard drive symbol)Temp (folder)Windows (folder)Control Panel.lnk (shortcut link)iGO8 (folder)On the SDMMC (SD card) I see just an iGO8 folder which is all I have set up.The next part is complicated and involves being able to have the direct instructions (from either the manufacturer, seller or another user). Most likely your GPS runs its software off 'button' that are linked by script files (.MSCR file extensions) to programs on an SD card.Can you hook up your in car GPS to a computer via a USB connection? If you can then you will need to look for.MSCR files, copy them to your computer and then tell me what you see.

Good luck.Another thing to explain here.Depending on the device, it is possible you need to change the name of the iGO directory and the igo.exe this (thanks Bobtheboor!)Had to make a directory called DestinatorApps then change the name of directory iGO8 to Destinator. Then changed file application.dat to Destinator.exe.and change the sys.txt to meet these changes:foldersapp='%SDCARD%/DestinatorAppsDestinator'Of course, the name to change to depends on the device.If you have to make changes to the device's shell.ini (to start igo the same way as your previous gps program) is not part of this postFFUI ERRORThis indicates a or error.One file (mostly is but sometimes both files are bad, corrupted. And create a fault.Solution: download a new and and replace the old. Simple.IMPORTANT: Before you replace, check out the new is suited for your resolutionInit ApiInit.api points to a license problem.Change the license, the latest iGO builds use only the Generic Worldwide license. (and some also the driver alerts add-on)Failed to open file: uiigo8/480272/mainscheme.ui'Failed to open file: uiigo8/480272/mainscheme.ui'only means your does not support your resolution. In this case 480 x 272, all resolutions are possibleYou need another data.zipGeoDB errorGeoDB errors are map related.The experience tells us that these errors are usually caused by:- (most likely) too many maps in the map folder: restrict to the maps you need- too many map related items (3dl and 3dc files, POI files): also restrict to the files you need- corrupted maps (example by faulty download) test by deleting all maps in the map folder and adding them one by one (on the condition that the previous reasons are excluded!)Bazzle. Some very interesting and useful info here so thanks for that.This thread seems to be the place to ask a relevent question.

Command Sd Mmc Igo8 Igo8 Exe 2017

What exactly is the 'Branding' folder for? I've been experimenting with both this and the 'Data' folder. What puzzled me was the fact that the data zip had a folder called 'uiigo8da' and the branding folder had one called 'uiigo8',Up to now I've assumed they should both be the same name.So, assuming the data zip is the dominant info source I deleted the branding 'uiigo8' leaving just the 'branding.ini' file in it. The programme works just fine and I can't see any difference.With regard to the data zip, I've deleted all resolution folders except the one I need, (800480).

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I've also put in some of my own background images into the background folder and replaced the loading bmp with an image of my own car.The data zip is now much smaller than before and working well.Beware image size and dimensions, otherwise easy to do.Better restate my question. What does the branding folder do?Dave. So does loading.bmp (the picture you see when igo starts) come from branding or is there a special way to edit, if i extract with winzip most of the.bmp files report as corrupted (compressed?) and when rezipped doesn’t work (“cant find loading.bmp')I have 3 different data files and wanted to merge them to make a final file that would work for ALL res/skins.cheersI use 7 zip but I have had issues with that sometimes.You dont need to do that as there are versions that do it.One in this complete backup for oz with skins etcBazzle. This doesnt work, (but thanks anyway ) 'failed to open file uiigo8da480x272loadingprogressbar.bmp exiting application'does it work on your device?there must be a way to manage and edit data and branding? Ive tried extracting and zipping (without changing a thing) and it wontwork, i get a similar error msg to the one above.i did find a tool - 'miomap igo bmp tool' seems to decompress the bmp filesand then can be opened in windows, also has a compress function, butonce again doesnt work when i rezip?